You can book online by clicking on ‘Make a Booking’.
They must be over 8 years old and under 14 years old.
We base our groupings on the school year that the child will be entering in Sept 2024.
Junior. Going into year 4, year 5 and year 6.
Senior. Going into year 7, year 8 and year 9.
No, we are not Ofsted registered and therefore cannot accept childcare vouchers.
We aim to take full payment for your child/ren’s place at the time of booking.
If this is a barrier to you booking then please call us on 01869 377970.
Yes. Our booking form will ask you for these details and it is important that you make us aware of any specific medical condition your child has and/or any medication they will need whilst on the course.
Yes. Our booking form will ask you for these details and it is important that you make us aware of any specific requirements your child will need whilst on the course. We are happy to make reasonable adjustments, however are unable to offer one-to-one care. Please call us to discuss your child’s requirements before booking.
You will receive an email confirmation which you should check to ensure all details are correct. Email confirmations are sent automatically from our system and should arrive within 1-2 minutes, make sure to check your Spam folder too. If you still do not have one, please call us.
Please call us so we can try to help. Please be advised that we have a very limited number of weeks and places so changing your booking can be difficult.
Silverstone UTC. Yes. Due to the nature of the venue, all children must be signed in and out each day by an adult.
UTC Oxfordshire. Juniors must be signed in and out each day by an adult. Seniors can come and go under their own steam however, this must be arranged prior to the course starting. An online consent form allowing your child the option to come and go on their own will be available after you have booked.
Children should wear appropriate clothing for STEM activities, not their best or new clothes.
Whilst our activities are not hugely messy, they can involve glue or other such things that may not come off easily from clothing.
For sunny days, please provide a cap and sun cream. Please apply sun cream prior to your arrival.
For rainy days, please provide a rain jacket.
A healthy and balanced packed lunch plus additional snacks for breaks and a refillable water bottle.
Please ensure the packed lunch is nut free.
Your child doesn’t need valuables items such as money, mobile phones, or electronic equipment. Any such items brought to the course are done so at your own risk, STEM Summer Courses and The Engineering Trust do not accept any responsibility for theft, loss, or damage.
If your child does have a mobile phone, we would advise they hand it in so it can be stored away during activity sessions.
Daily welcome begins at 09:15 with structured sessions running from 09:30 until 16:30. There is morning break, lunch break and afternoon break.
There is a drop off window each morning from 08:30.
All children need to be collected by 16:45.
We have a first aid qualified staff member who will deal with accidents and illnesses. Should your child suffer a serious injury or illness you will be contacted immediately.
The Course Leader will have a mobile phone and the number will be made available at the Welcome Desk when you sign your child(ren) in on the first day.
No, we don’t allow this because adults must be supervised for safeguarding reasons and your presence means our Course Leader is looking after you, rather than the children! More importantly, we encourage children to make new friends and build their independence which often is slowed if parents or guardians remain on site.
We encourge local businesses to buy one (or several) places on our courses. We give them (the business) a Free Place Voucher which they can then donate to a local school or organisation, allowing a child to attend for free. The vouchers allow children to attend who would not otherwise be able to afford a place. The vouchers are given to schools as we feel they are best placed to assess who is in need of the free place.
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